Abstract:This paper mainly studies the weight and balance control method of civil freighter aircraft. In the past two decades, the fleet of domestic civil aviation passenger to freighter aircraft has increased substantially. Due to the structure limitation of freighter aircraft and loading compartments, the weight and balance control of freighter aircraft is particularly important. At present, domestic freighters use the electronic load sheet developed with MS Office Excel software,so the electronic load sheet of wide body freighters has also been investigated. Based on the daily operation practice of airlines and the requirements of civil aviation regulations, this paper introduces the weight and balance control of freighter aircraft. The factors that need to be considered for the aircraft gravity envelope reduction were studied and analyzed, including the loading error of the cargo load, the crew movement, the fuel weight to gravity center fluctuation curve, etc. Practical cases of the typical freighter fuel system, such as fuel system, paper balance diagram, electronic load sheet, operating limit and the influence of engine on the aircraft center of gravity were presented. At the end of the paper, other factors that affect the center of gravity of the aircraft were studied as order of loading and unloading, weight document management and engine. Through research and investigation, readers can have an understanding of the business in the related field of civil aviation freighter weight and balance, and provide a valuable reference role for relevant professionals.