Abstract:In recent years, aircraft structural health monitoring technology has been developed rapidly, and has been widely applied in aeronautics and astronautics, especially in the aspect of the condition monitoring and damage diagnosis of carbon fiber composite structures, which makes clear the development trend of functional materials and intelligent structures. Firstly, the typical aircraft structural health monitoring technologies were analyzed, including mode method, mechanical-and-electrical-impedance method, ultrasonic method, acoustic-emission method, Lamb-wave method, and Lamb-wave method was further discussed. Then, the influence of temperature on the piezoelectric transducer signal transmission was studied based on Lamb-wave technology. The research considers the characteristics of the experimental device and the sensors in the high temperature environment. A high temperature experimental device was designed to test the signal transmission characteristics of the piezoelectric transducer. The piezoelectric transducers were installed on the experiment device to carry out the environmental experiment by the mechanical method. The results of experiments at different temperatures of five gears were analyzed respectively. The analysis results show that the temperature has a certain influence on the signal transmission of piezoelectric transducer, and the variation law of the signal affected by temperature was given.